
Blenheim to Kaikura

New Zealand

Here we are at DAY 19, Feb. 27. I’ve been spending far too much time typing up our adventures. It’s been fun but a lot of work. Therefore, this update will be short on words and long on pictures.

On DAY 19 we headed south 60km to a hostel dedicated to cycling tourists called the Pedaller’s Rest. Because rain was in the air and lodging was cheap, Carrie and I splurged on a room with a bunk bed. Sleeping inside was a good idea because it rained a lot that night.

On DAY 20, Feb. 28, we decided to press on further south to a tourist mecca of a town called Kaikura, which in Maori means “eat crayfish”. Crayfish in New Zealand is lobster in the U.S. Same crustacean. In Kaikura tourists have the option of swimming with fur seals, swimming with dolphins, whale-watching, eating ice cream and renting a helicopter to get a grander view. Carrie and I cycled in the rain for 80km to get to Kaikura. The ride was actually really pleasant because of the views along the coastal road and the lack of hills.

We decided to stick around for DAY 21 as well to eat some ice cream and go for a hike along the coast. I wanted to be out on the trail before all the potential tourists, so I dragged poor Carrie out of bed bright and early. The walk along the coast was great. We didn’t see many fur seals but the nice landscape and weather was enough to please us.