Hot in France
EuropeWe’ve had to change schedules since coming from Norway. In Norway we could stay up late and start the day around 11am because the weather was consistently mild to chilly and the sun didn’t set at all for most of our journey. Toward the end of our stay in Norway we’d find ourselves rolling into camp around 9pm.

In France we’ve so far had very hot days. Yesterday we got on the road around 11am and thus had to cycle through the warmest part of the day. We nearly ran out of water as a result.
This morning we changed tactics. We left Bar-du-Luc at 8:30am and arrived at Neufchรขteau around 1pm, where we ate lunch at the shady municipal campground and had a proper siesta during the heat of the day.
We continued to ride through rolling farmland, mainly wheat, what looks like chard, and sometimes wine grapes. We’ve noticed that most homes both in the towns and villages have vegetable gardens. Tomatoes, zucchinis, green beans, squash, carrots all look scrumptious. It’s nice to see that most households aren’t wasting water on maintaining a lawn, a real problem at home.