EuropeThanks to our Warmshowers host Karen, we were able to plan a route for the next week or so that will be taking us to the remote northwest of Scotland. She also recommended that we get head nets to prevent midge swarms.

In the morning we stopped by an outdoors store to get the midge nets. Carrie also suggested that I look at rain jackets because my jacket leaks at the shoulders. I brushed off the suggestion, saying that getting a little wet hadn’t been bad so far. So guess what happened today?
It rained a lot. It came in waves. There was even a point where I was down to a shirt and shorts like the good old days in sunny Ireland, but then another wave of rain came and I had to don all my waterproofs. After a good douse I was regretting not buying a new rain jacket. Now I have to tough it out with my spent jacket until we get to Aberdeen, the end of our journey in Scotland. I hope that at least one day in Scotland we’ll get to have a rain free day. But I’m not counting on it.