It tumbles down hillsides and cliffs in great torrents. It seeps and erupts from the ground steaming mad. It falls from the sky casually and with indifference. It houses the cod, the salmon, the whale. It is impossible to ignore how important water is to Iceland.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Our plane descended through heavy clouds upon arriving in Iceland. After gathering our bike boxes and duffle bags, we exited the terminal and stepped into our first Icelandic shower, a light but persistent drizzle. We set up our tent that afternoon under the same conditions, leading us to consider if we hadn’t made a mistake coming to Iceland. We had 37 days to go. Would we be growing gills during our stay? Would our steel bikes rust into oblivion between our legs? Would we ever see the sun again?<\/p>\n\n\n\n Day two in Iceland didn’t promise to be much better. We packed away our wet tent and headed off in a drizzle. On top of that, our route from town led us straight into the wind. At this point though we were still on a high from minimal sleep, jet lag and that feeling of euphoria that only comes when you finally realize that you’re free to pedal wherever you please.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<\/a><\/figure><\/li>